Community College North Carolina

Robeson Community College North Carolina is best rated Community College in NC. Robeson North Carolina provide best highly on education training and Degree programs.

North Carolina Community College

We are best reputed college in North Carolina that provide best education and training. Our Goal to provide reputed programs in arts and science,certificate programs.

Community College NC

Our main aim to provide best education programs to students.RCC is nonprofit corporation they provide Scholarships to Students to achieve higher educations at Robeson Community College NC.

Robeson Community College

Robeson Community College in North Carolina is most reputed community college in north Carolina NC. RCC offers associate Degree programs in arts and science, diploma programs, certificate programs and other online courses at Robeson Community College North Carolina NC.

College North Carolina

Robeson Community College North Carolina Learning Center provide tutoring services,supplemental instruction,environment,writing assistance that help to supportive and encouraging. Our purpose to promote self learning and decision making to build confidence and motivations.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Trends of Medical Education in North Carolina Colleges

The trends of education set by North Carolina University are commendable. These developments are not only in the field of medical education but all the other domains too.

North Carolina possesses one of the best education systems and it has pride on it, especially for the higher education it provides in the country.The North Carolina Community College and Institute of Medicine estimates that by 2014 about 1.1 million people of the state will possess the health insurance which is provisioned under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148, 2010). This wave would bless the citizens with the best medical system.

North Carolina is consistent in its ranks in the bottom third of states regarding several health issues. The top four causes of death here were heart disease, stroke and this has led to the thought to implement and come up with new models of care. Skilled physicians are needed to serve the people well and the colleges here shall create these talented medical professionals.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) has recently expanded medical school class sizes and itwouldexpand further if additional resources were available. As the budget is limited and competing funding priorities arise, it has become increasingly important to evaluate the state’s return on investment in medical education.

North Carolina is consistently lagging behind the national average of medical students per capita. In 2010, Community College NC had 19.8 students per 100,000 population compared to 23.5 students nationally. Community College North Carolina also had fewer medical students per 100,000 population compared to the neighboring states of South Carolina (21.2), Virginia (22.6), and Tennessee (27.8) but had more students than Georgia (18.3) in 2010. In order to increase the number of doctors, the colleges have increased the number seats. These expansions will increase Robeson North Carolina ratio of medical students to population, but only about 40% of NC Community College graduates practice in the state. Due to this reason students from the other states are attracted to these institutes.

A declining number of North Carolina-trained are physicians retained in state. This gap is filled in by medical graduate (IMGs) who has increased from 7.9% in 1990 to 13.2% of the workforce in 2010. Although there are (IMGs) but North Carolina still has lower percentage of doctors. Despite these increases, North Carolina still has a lower percentage of IMGs than the US median of 17.8%. Along with this there are a very low percentage of people who practice in the rural areas. As the people who graduated from NC do not practice here, doctors have to be imported from other states.

Robeson College North Carolina has been successful in increasing physician workforce diversity in part by increasing the diversity of the medical school classes and also by importing graduates from other states and countries.North Carolina is experiencing an exceptional transformation in the organization and consolidation of health care services. The demand for physicians will increase as the population expands andas the risk of diseases increases.

The access of health insurance is another factor that would need more number of physicians. The constant effort to track the trends shall help to plan the work force needed in North Carolina in the future.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Community College in North Carolina Offer Best Education Programs

Robeson Community College is an accredited and tax supported two-year community institute which has been imparting education and traning in North Carolina. The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools qualifies Robeson Community College to provide the associated degree to the aspirants. The statement of mission at RCC is to increase the enduring educational prospect for all kinds of according to their requirements, aptitude, acumen and most importantly abilities.
This educational institution accomplishes its mission with the help of an assurance to provide their students with high class educational programs as well as support services. Their comprehensive support available for the students is expected to allow individuals with better exposure.

In turn students will be able to focus on their educational goals and pursue them in a proper kind of environment. The mission is reinforced with the college seeking to provide social, multicultural and economic as well as public service scopes for most of the Robeson County citizens and in the surrounding region.

The educational programs offered by Robeson Community College North Carolina are permitted for enrollment by appropriate veterans. The institution is also qualified by several esteemed organizations like North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts, Accreditation Review Committee on Education Programs North Carolina Board of Nursing and Joint Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education along with the Redken Laboratories in the state of New York.